Pray like a prophet

Daniel 9.1-19

This note was originally published on Friday 12 April 2019.

I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition ...


Bring to mind all those from whom you’ve learned about prayer, give thanks for them, and ask God to bless them. Is there anyone you can encourage in prayer this week?


Daniel 9.1-19


Are you ready to see how to pray like a prophet? Begin by looking over the passage again, noting what Daniel says about God, and what he says about God’s people – it’s quite the contrast. Our sin is humbling, but God’s love and faithfulness despite it is beyond wonderful.

Why do you pray? Daniel’s prayer came from searching the Scriptures, a deep awareness of sin, and a love for God’s people that made him intercede for them (vs 2-3).

How do you begin your prayers? Daniel began with praise – we are praying to the living God, not a mail order catalogue (v 4).

When you confess, are you as honest and specific as Daniel is (vs 5–11)? Real confession requires spiritual awareness and humility. We may need to ask God to show us what we need to repent of.

What do you ask God for? Daniel called on God to be himself, to fulfil the promises he made through Jeremiah (vs 15–19), and he uses phrases from the psalms, the Law and the other prophets to do that.


Follow Daniel’s pattern of prayer. What is on your heart today? What do you want to pray to God about? Don’t dive into speaking thoughtless words, but spend some time reflecting on what you might say to God.