For all, our thanks

1 Thessalonians 1.1-10

This note was originally published on Saturday 4 February 2023.

We always thank God for all of you.


Paul begins each of his letters praying for peace – in the Bible that’s more about wholeness and completeness than the absence of conflict. Whatever storms you are facing, take a breath and ask God to fill you with his peace.


1 Thessalonians 1.1-10


After his customary greeting (v 1), Paul shows the depth and warmth of his love for the Thessalonians. Have a look at what he gives thanks for (vs 2,3). Notice how Paul’s thanksgiving is grounded in things they do: their work (of faith), their labour (of love) and their endurance (in hope). The reality of their faith, love and hope is proved by what they do.

He carries on in the same vein: the gospel message came not only with words but with power (v 5); they turned away from their old life and began to live differently (vs 6,9); they became visible examples of faith (v 8). As Jesus said (in Matthew 7.16), ‘By their fruit you will recognise them.’ I wonder what people would recognise from the fruit of your lifestyle, and mine? One final point is important: did they do this to earn God’s love? No, for that is where Paul begins (v 4). God first loves and chooses his people; then his people respond, hopefully as wholeheartedly as in first-century Thessalonica.


How can you give thanks for your Christian family? What is the good that you can say thank you for – especially when it comes to those you find difficult? Ask God to help you see, and then spend time in prayer saying thank you.