Joy in the Lord

Psalm 81

This note was originally published on Sunday 5 February 2023.

Sing for joy to God our strength.


What has God done for you? Beyond the gift of life in Jesus and the Spirit – what has God done for you, in your life? What difference has he made?


Psalm 81


Verses 1 and 2 make a great introduction to a service of praise and worship – maybe even for your service today! But what if ‘joy’ is the very last thing you feel in your heart? In this psalm, making joyful music comes not from emotion but willing obedience: it is a ‘decree’, an ‘ordinance’, a ‘statute’ (vs 4,5). But how can God command us to be joyful?

In the Bible joy has an object: God. And it is closely linked with the thankfulness of remembrance (vs 7–10). Biblical joy begins not with emotion but with choosing to rejoice in what God has done for us, no matter how we feel right now. Thank God, his gift of life depends not on how we feel day-to-day, but on what he has already done.

When I find myself in a funk it is nearly always down to my stubborn heart (v 12). In those times, joy seems impossible to find. The answer? To listen, and to follow what God (and I) know is best for me (v 13). Oh, that it were as easy to do as to say!


However you feel today, can you rejoice in what God has done for you? If you’re finding it a challenge, try to listen to the words of scripture – listen and follow them into the heart of God’s love for you.